Thursday, January 31, 2013

Article Structure Foldable


A recent lesson dealt with the traditional "inverted pyramid" journalistic writing style.  We did a foldable in class as a way to graphically organize the critical information from this lesson.

Here is an example foldable I did for the class.

We also referenced regarding basic foldable instructuctions.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Keyword Lesson for FCPX

Below you'll find a screencast of our in-class lesson covering keywords and media management using FCPX.

There are also LOTS of resources online which go into greater depth on this topic.

Organizing with Keywords 2-Vimeo from Craig Barber on Vimeo.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

3rd Quarter Links

Greetings and welcome to a new grading quarter as well as a new semester!

All notes and assignments for this grading quarter can be found by accessing

Access the notes via your smartphone by scanning the qr code below:

QR code

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Parent/Caretaker Update 1-8/9-13


Today and tomorrow students will be receiving handouts with lots of important information and helpful links.  Just in case that handout never makes it to you, you can access it HERE.

If you're interested in granting your student access to MyPolkApps, the permission form can be downloaded HERE (available in English, Spanish, and Hatian-Creole).

-Mr. Barber 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Rubrics Posted

Greetings, It is my hope that all students and families had a wonderful winter break.

The rubrics for the upcoming Outline, Treatment, Screenplay, and Storyboard have been posted to my shared MyPolkApps folder. The get straight to the rubrics, the link is

Each rubric also has helpful tips and suggestions for the assignment they're designed to assess.

These are the same rubrics used in class during our writing labs.